Saturday, June 11, 2016

My Customer's Avatar

My customer's avatar is: a female Democrat under the age of 40 who recycles.

My customer is a female Democrat under the age of 40 who recycles. She already cares about saving money and reducing her impact on the environment. She shops at thrift stores. She's busy with work and family commitments, including time for her personal interests which include: yoga, gardening and sharing interesting articles with friends. She is registered Democrat. She likes tea and/or coffee no matter the season, and especially with a book or board games. My customer isn't into glamorous appearances, she cares more about health and wellbeing on the inside than superficial appearances.

Additionally, because she typically shops organic and lives in urban areas, her grocery costs are higher and her food spoils more often, creating the most salient need for our product. The product appeals to her because she knows rationally it is a good idea, it is in line with her values and saves her valuable time. 

Many of these customers are also a parent and would identify as a "hipster mom." As a couple the parents enjoyed bike riding and now as a family they want to share the love of the outdoors with their kids, but the kids are still too little for much of a bike ride or hike. One or more of the parents may work in conservation or environmental fields.

What do you have in common with the customer avatar? If you have anything in common with the avatar, do you think that is a coincidence? Why?

I have a lot in common with the Avator (age, politics, hobbies, and environmental concerns). Its not a coincidence because I know myself the best and I would knowingly (or unknowingly) be shaping the design of the product to be "appealing," but what I think is appealing is representative of a customer like me.


  1. Hi Christie
    How are you?
    Thank you for sharing your My Customer's Avatar blog post with our South Florida MBA class.
    Your My Customer's Avatar blog post is very articulate and convincing. Your analysis is very comprehensive and thorough. Clearly you have a great handle of who your customer is. Good luck!

  2. I love your Avatar and the image of the hipster mom. You have put a lot of thought into your customer. Most people are making their avatar's with some resemblance to themselves and I can see how your avatar resembles you. You are in tune with political landscape and societal trends so much more so than I. Nice work on this. Your avatar is very convincing. Love it!

  3. Hey Christie, Super Avatar. She looks like the prototypical hipster mom. From your description she sounds a lot like your typical urban housewife. I think you captured some insightful and deep details that will allow you to use your avatar to guide your thinking about the problem. I hope that it helps you clarify your thinking about who the customer would be for the food waste problem. Does your avatar have a name? I also think that is a good point that shopping organic would result in food spoiling much quicker and therefore create a greater need for a solution to this problem. Kevin

  4. Hi Christie,

    Love the hipster mom reference. Seems super appropriate, and I agree that she is a target customer. But here's another question - what about the cool hipster stay at home dad market? Everyone's avatar seems to be a woman, and I feel we are missing out on a whole segment of the population. Just a thought. Good point about the food spoilage / organic connection. Nice work on this one!

